Sunday, March 1, 2009

Qur'an Stuff

So basically the Qur'an I found was very interesting. It had alot of points that made sense and their were also a quite a few points that I found rather confusing. I also happened to notice that their were many similarities between the Quran and the Bible. Some of the characters were the same such as Moses and Adam. I think the thing that opened my eyes the most is that not everybody believes the same way we do. In fact many people do not believe the same things as us as Christians. We kinda live in this secluded bubble since we go to a Christians. And yes many of us have friends who dont go to the school and believe differently, but we still are surrounded by this previous bias towards other religions. Many of us have grown up hearing about the bible since we were little but we really live secluded from this world view. Anyways I just thought I would put that in their.