Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After looking over the account of Adam and Eve and how the world came into being, I realized that Moses (writer of Genesis) included several interesting points. He used a sort of poetic language. He used repetition in talking about the account of God's creation. "And God saw that it was good" is repeated several times within the course of Genesis 1. But the one thing that really caught me that had to do with poetic language was that the paragraphs are in a little different in chapter 3: 14-19. God is explaining Adam, Eve and the Serpents punishment. In doing this he devotes a paragraph to each. These paragraphs are split by the beginging. Each one starts with the repetition "And God said to ..." . After looking over Genesis it is interesting to see God's way of using events in the beggining to portray artistic sides and qualities of our world.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


For this blog I have decided to delve into one of my personal all time favorite movies, The Bourne Identity. Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne, a man has no idea who he is. He is found by simple fisherman in the Mediterranean. After visiting his Swiss bank account and finding out his name, he must travel to discover who he really is. Joined by Marie, a "friend" who he was recently aquainted with, the two must avoid assasigns who are out to kill Jason before he uncovers who he is and what he is capable of.

First off, we are shown the hero side. Jason might always not make the right choices but we see in several scenes that he is trying to protect those around him. Another interesting thing I noticed was that Jason seemed to have these constant flashbacks. These flashbacks prosed a unique archetype. Whenever he flashed- back to a bad memory or something he did wrong, they would be dark. Yet whenever he came across a good memory or though in this flashbacks, they had some light around the scene and would sort of illuminate in his mind. This can be seen as an archetype that contrasts light and dark. Finally we take a look at Marie. Now Marie is not really a maiden. Jason never really saves her from danger or rescues her, but when I look at her I see her more as a sidekick. She helps Jason figure stuff out and as we have seen through the characteristics of a sidekick, she completes him. She has patience, something that Jason lacks.

Now we take a look at the more concrete archetypes of European as well as American culture. We see large quantities of technology and advances in that during the movie. Americans and Europeans are known for being very well technically advanced. Also we have this idea that we dont always believe everything the government tells us. That the government could be keeping something from us, which is adequetly placed in the movie.

All in all, it is easy to see how this movie can be portrayed as an archetypal story that incorporates modern day with everyday principles.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Heros, hmmm let me see. It is often hard to choose one hero out of so many with our media thriving these days. Books and movies are coming out constantly that provide us with new opinions on who inspire us with their heroism. Whether it be daring courageous acts that keeps us on the edge of our seats or defying those evil doers. As I began to write this their was one hero that instantly came to mind. He is known as being a main character in J.R.R. Tolkiens best selling book series The Lord of the Rings. I am speaking of course about Aragorn. Aragorn is one of those unique heros who rarely think of themselves. Throughout his entire quest he lays his life on the line for what he believes in and who he cares for. His outlook on life is one of hope and remembering a small light can still shine in the darkest places and times of our world. But what most intruiges me about Aragorn is how he can be compared to another King. Yes you guessed it; their are many similarities between Aragorn and Jesus Christ. For example, Aragorn was sent on this quest to get rid of the one thing that could destroy all mankind. Jesus did the exact same when he came to earth. Also the title of the last book is Return of the King. Aragorn returns to Gondor to claim his rightful position after being gone for some time. In Revelation we see that Jesus intends to do the same thing one day. He will return and claim his throne as King over the world. Well I guess I have just about finished. Its good to remember that heroes will always be around to guide us and help us if we are their to ask for it.