Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Heros, hmmm let me see. It is often hard to choose one hero out of so many with our media thriving these days. Books and movies are coming out constantly that provide us with new opinions on who inspire us with their heroism. Whether it be daring courageous acts that keeps us on the edge of our seats or defying those evil doers. As I began to write this their was one hero that instantly came to mind. He is known as being a main character in J.R.R. Tolkiens best selling book series The Lord of the Rings. I am speaking of course about Aragorn. Aragorn is one of those unique heros who rarely think of themselves. Throughout his entire quest he lays his life on the line for what he believes in and who he cares for. His outlook on life is one of hope and remembering a small light can still shine in the darkest places and times of our world. But what most intruiges me about Aragorn is how he can be compared to another King. Yes you guessed it; their are many similarities between Aragorn and Jesus Christ. For example, Aragorn was sent on this quest to get rid of the one thing that could destroy all mankind. Jesus did the exact same when he came to earth. Also the title of the last book is Return of the King. Aragorn returns to Gondor to claim his rightful position after being gone for some time. In Revelation we see that Jesus intends to do the same thing one day. He will return and claim his throne as King over the world. Well I guess I have just about finished. Its good to remember that heroes will always be around to guide us and help us if we are their to ask for it.

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